
Aircraft Conceptual Design Tools Evaluation

Conceptual and Preliminary Design

The j2 Universal Tool Kit allows Conceptual and Preliminary Design teams (CPD) the luxury of looking at, and evaluating a large number of concepts without adding any more engineering personnel. The advanced j2 Elements plug-in provides rapid analysis and the ability for CPD teams to investigate different configurations, wing planforms and aerofoil characteristics without the need to calculate complex derivatives and coefficients. Multiple configurations of the same platform can be evaluated rapidly.

j2 Elements connects directly with j2 Builder, the main CPD aircraft modelling environment providing automatic Aerodynamic Strip Theory calculations directly into the aero models. This is a unique and easy-to-use interface which enables users to construct sophisticated aircraft from scratch, quickly and easily.

The rapid analytical capability means you can fully Evaluate more than 10 times the number of conceptual designs in the same time frame without adding any resources. Users can also 'fly conceptual designs off the page' using the j2 Freedom plug in using desk top simulation or through integrating into any SIM platform using the j2 Pilot SDK. This also means that certification flights can be flown at a very early stage in the design cycle. J2 also include a complete optimisation suite which can be used to evaluate and compare a range of different configurations and designs to identify the best characteristics to take forward.

j2 Universal Tool kit users can use the j2 Visualize plug-in to rapidly visualize their designs by plotting graphs and viewing and monitoring individual analyses as they happen. These plots can be retained and used for reporting purposes. j2 Visualize allows designers to create this environment either as an analysis is underway(running in real time) or as a post processing tool once data is collected/generated.

Further capability is unlocked using j2 Developer and j2 Virtual to integrate with any other code base e.g. FORTRAN and to connect directly with low and high order CFD cod e.g. VS Aero and Adapco building fidelity rapidly, even at the CPD stage of a design cycle.

The j2 Universal Tool Kit is a fully networked software that already contains full version control which provides a solid quality control process at all times. Users are instantly alerted of the latest version of the model prior to working on it.

Using j2 software at the CPD stage means that there is a significant acceleration in the design process and opportunity to explore a much greater number of concepts and variants . The same models can then be linked directly into the detailed design team without any need for transformation because the j2 solution is already fully networked.

What else can I do?

Aircraft Conceptual Design Tools Evaluation


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